Solar Flares and Old Cars?

Awesome…I love all your responses. Especially about the Stanley Steamer signals…HA!!

Let me clear up a couple things and maybe expand this topic.

  1. Solar Flares happen all the time of course, but they are usually small enough to have a nominal effect on things. But historically, large enough flares occur every few hundred years that are large enough to fry every electric circuit on the planet unless it were in an underground bunker. It’s just that the last one that occurred of this size was pre-electricity, circuitry, etc… but not large enough to destroy the atmosphere as in the recent movie “Knowing”, and thus killing…well…everything (sounds like Mr. Meehan saw it too). The book that best represents the former scenario I read is “Solar Flare by Larry Burkett” (no aliens, sorry totallytempo). So a garage “might” work but for kicks I’m assuming a larger flare.

This is purely an academic exercise, I’m not planning the purchase of my next vehicle on this…unless the 50 something truck I’ve always thought would be neat to have would also be “solar flare proof”.

I guess what I’m wondering from those of you with more engineering knowledge than, is what year/generation of vehicles do not have micro-chips, electrical systems, etc.? When vehicles had points, and brushes and such would that still be electrical and thus vulnerable?