What do Moms really want? When it comes to cars, that is

Well, let me kick things off!

I’m a mom with two kids, 2 and 6, and a third on the way. We need a new mom-car, but due to the present economy, we’re not too thrilled at the idea of car payments. My inlaws, who live in Portland, have offered us a 10 year old Dodge Caravan, that seems to be in good condition. (Runs fine, no obvious problems. It has something like 130,00 miles on it.) I’m not so keen on driving a 10-year-old minivan, but I’m wondering-- how reliable should this be? Should we sell it or trade it on for something newer?

My husband says we should definitely take it, and see how it goes, but I’m not so sure. And no, we don’t have a bet on what folks will say, and I’m not calling into Car Talk. I’m sure not I could handle the grilling!


By the way does Motherproof answer questions like this? I wasn’t sure.